Hey, friends!
It's been a hot minute since I've updated this blog (and by hot minute, I mean a solid 9 months)... Literally the same amount of time it takes to grow a physical human being, that's how long it has taken me to write another blog post.
But, alas, here we are. I've been living life in England for the last two months while my boyfriend is here for work, which has been amazing, but I've been missing the shop so SO much.
We're heading home (to Toronto-ish, Ontario) for Thanksgiving and I'm pumped to get back into the shop and fulfill some orders!! In fact, I'm so excited that I'm offering a 15% discount on all purchases from now until October 13th - use the code OCTOBER at checkout.
This is just my little way of saying hi, I miss you, thank you for your support, you deserve to shop, and you deserve a sale!
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, because although I like to write, I don't like to read, and I'm going to have to proofread this once I'm done. But feel free to join me on my European adventures over on Instagram @lindsaycurlew, and I will be back in the shop (for good) in no time!
I will also be updating this blog more often too - with maker features, product updates and other fun stuff. Sorry it has taken twelve years.
xx Linds